Risorse CSS: body ID

Risorse CSS: body ID

Continuando nella serie delle nostre risorse sui CSS, ecco una serie di risorse che spiegano come utilizzare la tecnica delle signatures, ossia come assegnare un ID all'elemento body per poter cambiare più facilmente gli stili delle nostre pagine.

CSS Signatures (body id)

  1. CSS Signatures
  2. [css language="-d"] CSS signatures
  3. per-site user stylesheet rules
  4. Styling different sections different
  5. <html id="">
  6. There was need for the id attribute on the root element
  7. Signatures on root
  8. Creating unique looks for pages using CSS
  9. Highlight the Current Page with The Body ID/Class Method
  10. Invasion of the Body Switchers
  11. Site–identification, user–stylesheets, accessibility
  12. Per-site user stylesheets
  13. Per-site user stylesheets-1
  14. Per-site user stylesheets-2
  15. Per-site user stylesheets-3
  16. Auto-Selecting Navigation
  17. Customizing Styles: User-Controlled Style Sheets, part 1
  18. Customizing styles: User-Controlled Style Sheets - Part II
  19. Customizing styles: User-Controlled Style Sheets – Part III
  20. Persistent Page Indicator
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