Risorse CSS: buone pratiche

Risorse CSS: buone pratiche

Queste risorse sui CSS sono state raccolte e catalogate da Marcello Cerruti per un libro sui CSS che avevamo in mente di scrivere insieme. Penso che dal punto di vista dello studio dei CSS le risorse catalogate da Marcello siano di eccezionale importanza e validità. Per questo motivo le riporto di seguito in questo e nei seguenti post.

Buone pratiche nella scrittura dei CSS

  1. CSS Snippets
  2. CSS tips and tricks, Part 1
  3. CSS tips and tricks, Part 2
  4. Ten CSS tricks - corrected and improved
  5. Efficient CSS with shorthand properties
  6. Useful tips for writing efficient CSS
  7. Top CSS Tips
  8. Ten CSS tricks you may not know
  9. Ten more CSS tricks you may not know
  10. CSS techniques I use all the time
  11. CSS Crib Sheet?
  12. Getting Into Good Coding Habits
  13. Writing Efficient CSS
  14. Using Classes and IDs Effectively
  15. What's in a name
  16. Elemental Nomenclature
  17. What's in a name (pt2)
  18. Structural Naming
  19. Use class with semantics in mind.
  20. Class & ID Naming Conventions
  21. Standardizing CSS class and id names
  22. Reserved ID Values?
  23. Semantics in the wild
  24. Grouping Selectors For Cleaner CSS
  25. Starting with CSS: revisited
  26. Setting Default Global Values In CSS
  27. 10 Quick Tips for an Easier CSS Life
  28. How to structure large CSS files
  29. Div Mania
  30. Applied CSS Management and Optimization
  31. Integrated Web Design: Strategies for Long-Term CSS Hack Management
  32. Discussing CSS Management and Optimization
  33. Redundancy vs. Dependency
  34. CSS Organization Tip 1: Flags
  35. Positioning and the Cascade
  36. Writing Lean CSS
  37. Architecting CSS
  38. MaintainableCss
  39. Maintainability, a.k.a. the CSS elephant
  40. Maintainable CSS
  41. Modular CSS
  42. Playing Nice with the Other CSS Kids
  43. A CSS Framework
  44. CSS Redundancy
  45. Ten Common CSS Mistakes
  46. Keeping CSS file sizes lean for practicality and sport
  47. The Style Declarations I Make Almost Everytime I start a new site
  48. Optimize Your CSS by Combining Classes
  49. Suggestions for Organizing Complex CSS
  50. More CSS Optimization Techniques
  51. 5 Tips for Organizing Your CSS
  52. Cross-browser CSS for your site
  53. Writing cross-browser CSS
  54. CSS Tips
  55. Modular CSS
  56. Environmental Style
  57. 10 Steps to Better CSS
  58. CSS Best Practices
  59. Getting Into Good Coding Habits
  60. Templating Solutions with CSS: Style Organization Designed To Last
  61. 20 pro tips
  62. Correcting the 20 pro tips (.NET magazine)
  63. Internet Explorer works best in Quirks mode…
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